Inspiring short stories on Positive Attitude


People face a lot of hardships in life, and they need some inspiration to move ahead or overcome the roadblocks. There are various ways in which people can feel motivated. Apart from quotes, there are some inspiring short stories on positive attitudes which can create a great impact in the long term. People seek answers to their problems through short stories.

If they read the attitude story, students will feel more positive about their upcoming exams and other challenges.

Here are some inspiring short stories on positive attitude

The Obstacles in Our Path

In ancient times, a king placed a boulder on a roadway. Next, he would hide to see who could remove the huge rock. Various people like rich merchants and courtiers came, saw the rock, and just passed by it. Some of them blamed the king for bad roads. However, nobody did anything.

After some time, a peasant had a lot of vegetables with him. When he saw the boulder, the peasant left the vegetables aside and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After a lot of struggle, he finally succeeded.

As the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he found a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. It has gold coins and a note from the king which read that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. There was a great moral that peasants had learned.

There is an opportunity in every obstacle to improving one’s condition.

The circle of joy

This is a story of a time when a countryman knocked on the door of a monastery one day. The monk who opened the gates got many grapes from him.

The countryman said- “Brother, these are the finest my vineyard has produced. I’ve come to gift it to you”.

Monk replied- “Thank you! I will take them to the Abbot immediately, he’ll be delighted with this offering”.

Countryman said- “No! I brought them for you. For whenever I knock on the door, it is you who
opens it. When I needed help because the crop was destroyed by drought, you gave me a piece of bread and a cup of wine every day.”

The monk held the grapes til morning, admiring them, and decided to deliver the gift to the Abbot, who had always encouraged him with words of wisdom.

The Abbot was happy to see the grapes but wanted to give them to his sick brother in the monastery. Though he gave the grapes to his sick brother, they did not stay there for long. Finally, he gave it to the cook who had served him the best meals.

The cook was happy to see the grapes and everybody at the monastery considered him a holy man.

But he gave it to the youngest novice who would understand the value of the gift. When the novice received them, he remembered the first time he came to the monastery and the person who had opened the gates.

That gesture allowed him to be among this community of people who knew how to value the wonders of life.

So he gave the grapes to the monk. The monk understood that those grapes were meant for him only.

Hence, the circle of joy got closed. The generous people get what they deserve.

How Would You Like to be Remembered?

Some hundred years back, a man was reading a morning newspaper when he saw his name in the obituary column. In the newspaper, there was the wrong person’s name in the death section. He was shocked to read his name in that column.

So he tried to find out what was written about his death. The obituary read, “Dynamite King Dies.” And also, “He was the merchant of death.” This man was the inventor of dynamite, and when he read the words “merchant of death,.” The man asked himself, “Is this how I am going to be remembered?”

He thought hard and decided that this was not how he wanted to be remembered. So from that day on, he started working toward peace. His name was Alfred Nobel. He is remembered today for the great Nobel Prize.

Like Alfred Nobel worked upon his emotions and gave new meaning to his values, we also can do the same.

The moral of this attitude story is to introspect yourself and work upon your beliefs. It will help bring more happiness and positivity into your life.

A Hope that no one had

There was this village in which children and older adults all used to work as laborers. Child labor was going on for several years. Among them was an orphan boy who also worked like other children.

One day, he thought of leaving the job and planned to do something new. While he was walking, he saw a policeman in his village.

Seeing him, he thought of becoming one. People in the village came to know about it and started laughing at his wish.

They told him it was not possible. But, the boy was adamant. He decided to leave the village and go to some other place alone.

After ten years, he came back to the village. He was wearing the uniform of the police. Everyone in the village was shocked to see him.

The story tells us that keeping a positive attitude like that boy can turn everything that people feel is impossible.

Bottom Line

With inspiring short stories on positive attitudes like those above, one can find strength within themselves. As a result, you will be able to find new opportunities and achieve success.

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