Do’s and Don’ts in Classroom for Students

do's and don'ts in classroom for students

Classroom behaviour plays a pivotal part in a student’s academic process. It not only affects their own learning experience but also impacts the general classroom environment. By understanding and adhering to the do’s and don’ts of classroom behaviour for students, learners can create a positive and conducive learning atmosphere. In this article, we will investigate the essential guidelines for students to adhere to, helping them take full advantage of their time in the classroom. Yes, we’re talking about the do’s and don’ts in classroom for students.

Do’s in Classroom for Students

Be it an online class or an offline one, practising regular code of conduct is a must. Check out these standard set of guidelines that each student should see at all times when it comes to behaviour in the classroom.

Respect Others

You are sharing your classroom with a few other individuals who are just essentially as important as you. Don’t try to cause others to feel humiliated. Don’t ridicule others, feign exacerbation, or make faces when they are speaking.

Be Polite

  • If you feel like sneezing, getting hiccups, or coughing, don’t do it on another student. Turn away and utilize a tissue. Say “Excuse me.”
  • If someone is sufficiently courageous to pose an inquiry, don’t giggle or ridicule them.
  • Say, thank you when someone else does something decent.
  • Utilize appropriate language.

Keep Supplies Stocked                                                                            

Keep tissues and other supplies in your work area so you’ll have one when you want it! Don’t turn into a constant borrower.

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When you see your eraser or your pencil supply shrinking, request that your parents restock.

Come to class on time

A serious student is always punctual and practises effective time management. He/she should always be in class and seated for the next lecture before the warning bell rings.

Be prepared.

Students need to have all the learning tools ahead of time so that they become ready for class. Keep your books, binders, papers, pens, and pencils handy at all times. Everything should be kept well and in a coordinated way.

Listen to the teachers.

Listening is one of the most significant virtues for students. If you don’t listen, you cannot understand concepts and won’t develop any knowledge. Listen well so that you can capture all pertinent information.

Be hygienic and take care of your health.

Student cleanliness and health are vital for effective learning. You cannot concentrate in class if you have itchiness out of sweat and dirt. Neatness also works on a student’s confidence, making them ready for learning.

Clean your classroom.

Effective learning happens in a spotless environment. Keep your classroom ventilated and clean to eliminate terrible odour and make it habitable for learning.

Complete assignments on time.

To stay away from punishments, do your schoolwork dutifully. Doing assignments is also good for your own practice and revision.

Be honest and respectful.

Always be a truth-teller and respect your educators, parents, and fellow students. That way, you will be blissful and positive with life, and that increases your readiness for and interest in learning.

Visually engage.

When speaking to the teacher or potentially individual students, make eye contact to fabricate your confidence and develop your communication skills.

Always make notes.

When the teacher is teaching or when you are reading, always guarantee you write down notes for your future reference and simple memorization.

Clarify doubts and look for help

Don’t hesitate to pose inquiries when you encounter difficulties or need clarification. Seeking help is an indication of proactiveness and a longing to learn. Teachers are there to support you, so take advantage of their expertise. By asking questions, you extend your understanding and take full advantage of your educational experience.

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The Classroom Don’ts for Students

Learners also need to keep away from certain habits if they want to become successful in their education. Here is a list of 10 Don’ts for students in the classroom.

Don’t bully others.

This is the first in this category because discipline determines your future. You may not understand it currently, but bullying or hurting others in a way affects your life.

Do not steal.

To find a sense of contentment with yourself and with God, try not to steal or take other individuals’ materials without permission.

Do not utilize cuss words.

Harassing others or using inappropriate language causes conflicts in the classroom, leading to an unfortunate environment for learning. Do not let outrage conquer you. Although it is normal to be furious sometimes, allowing outrage to control you is detrimental. Outrage can adversely affect your character, relationships, and academic performance.

Do not blabber or backbite others.

Talking sick of others is not good for your learning.

Do not hate others.

Good students don’t undermine others so that they seem cool. You’re cool if you accommodate the perspectives of others and try not to look down upon them.

Don’t bring food or bite gum in the classroom.

This will distract you from your studies.

Do not sleep in the class.

The classroom is not a bedroom and the work area is not a bed. Don’t lose concentration in class. If you feel tired, stand up, stretch, and maybe head outside and clean up.

Don’t shout unnecessarily.

Raise your hand if you want to answer the teacher’s question(s). Also, don’t interrupt others when they are speaking.

Don’t disrupt school guidelines.

Breaking the standards will put you on the wrong side with the teachers. You need to have a good relationship with teachers to make use of their expertise to learn.

Using Electronic Gadgets Without Permission

Respect your teacher’s guidelines regarding the utilization of electronic gadgets in the classroom. Try not to use your phone, tablet, or other gadgets except if explicitly permitted. Electronic distractions can hinder your learning and disturb the class. By using gadgets responsibly, you demonstrate self-restraint and consideration for others.

Benefits of Good Classroom Behavior

Practising good classroom behaviour yields various benefits that extend beyond academic achievements. When you stick to the do’s and don’ts in classroom for students, you can encounter the following advantages:

Improved Learning Experience

A positive classroom environment takes into consideration effective teaching and learning. By following the guidelines, students can completely drench themselves in the educational excursion, leading to increased understanding and retention of information.

Positive Relationships with Teachers and Classmates:

Respectful behaviour fosters strong relationships with teachers and classmates. This creates a supportive network, encouraging collaboration, and providing a feeling of belonging within the classroom community.

Enhanced Academic Performance

Engaging in positive classroom behaviour promotes better academic performance. Active participation, timely completion of assignments, and effective communication with teachers contribute to higher grades and a more profound understanding of the subject matter.

Development of Essential Life Skills

The do’s and don’ts in classroom for students nurture essential life skills. Students learn self-control, time management, effective communication, and teamwork — skills that are significant beyond the academic circle.


In conclusion, adhering to the do’s and don’ts in classroom for students is crucial for your success. By respecting the teacher and classmates, actively participating, listening attentively, completing assignments on time, and following classroom rules, students create a positive learning environment.

Conversely, avoiding disruptive behaviour, talking out of turn, bullying, cheating, and being unprepared contribute to a productive and respectful classroom atmosphere. Embracing good classroom behaviour not only upgrades academic performance but also cultivates essential life skills vital for future success.

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