DBMS and RDBMS: There are various technological advancements in every field, be it schools, corporates or city markets. The functioning of all their organizations depends on data collection and analysis. This is because it helps in enhancing the business.

For using the data as a powerful tool, the accumulation in the correct form is a must. However, it is a daunting task to acquire data. It involves numerous processes such as data mining from primary and secondary sources, removing unnecessary data, checking on variations, and arriving at accurate data for making decisions.

Hence, one needs to have a robust Database Management System(DBMS) to help collect and scrutinize data, leading to practical solutions and productivity.

The collection of data systematically is known as a database. One can access the data with ease. The information in this database is placed in tables, rows or columns. The user can store and manage data with the help of database management.

The users need to know the difference between DBMS and RDBMS, i.e. database management system and relational database management system.

Let us find out more about both in-depth.

What are DBMS and RDBMS?

Database Management System (DBMS) is a software developed in the 1960s that helps in identifying, managing, and creating a database and with that, it gives data access to the administration.

DBMS is also in controlling the database. It has helped various businesses and individuals manage their databases, analyze them, and get the required data. It also allows manipulating the data like insertion, deletion, and updating of data.

The advanced version of DBMS is a relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that came into existence in the 1970s. It provides access to data in a refined form. The data in tables are stored and managed in this system. The format of the table is basically in rows and columns, which are known as tuples and attributes.

Individuals and businesses benefit from accessing data that are in sophisticated form. This is an effective data management system and is widely used worldwide.

Difference between RDBMS and DBMS

Now that we have discussed RDBMS and DBMS let us check out the difference between DBMS and RDBMS.

  • In DBMS, the data is stored in a file. On the other hand, in RDBMS, the information is stored in tables.
  • A single user can only use DBMS, whereas multiple users can use RDMBS.
  • Client-server side interaction and architecture are only supported in RDBMS. On the other hand, DBMS does not support client-server side interaction.
  • DBMS consists of light hardware and software requirements compare to RDMBS. To run RDMBS properly, you would need a more powerful machine.
  • In DBMS, there are higher chances of data redundancy. It means there are repetitions of data when we are using DBMS. On the other hand, in RDBMS, there is less or no chance of redundant data due to the presence of indexing.

Here are some more critical differences between DMBS and RDMS in the table below.


There are tables used to store data in the RDBMS.Data in DBMS is stored in the file format
Multiple data elements are accessible togetherIndividual access of data elements
Data in the form of a table are linked togetherLack of connection between data
Normalisation of program is achievable in RDBMS.There is no normalisation possible in DBMS.
There is complete support with respect to distributed databaseNo support for distributed database under DBMS.
Data is stored in a large amount as it can handle any capacity of data.Data storage is in  a small quantity as in DBMS huge amount of data cannot be stored.
Here, redundancy of data is reduced with the help of key and indexes in RDBMSData redundancy is common
RDBMS supports multiple usersDBMS supports a single user
It features multiple layers of security while handling dataThere is only low security while handling data
The software and hardware requirements are higherThe software and hardware requirements are low
Oracle, SQL Server.XML, Microsoft Access.
Option to create several log files which automatically increases the security of the data stored in the RDBMS model.Security of data and its storage is low in the DBMS model.
Due to the relational model, acces of data is quite easy in RDBMS.It is tough to get the access of data stored in DBMS.
RDBMS supports the integrity constraints at the schema level. Values beyond a defined range cannot be stored into the particular RDMS column.DBMS does not support the integrity constants. The integrity constants are not imposed at the file level.
Example of RDBMS is MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, etc.Examples of DBMS are a file system, XML, Windows Registry, etc.

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